viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012 0 comentarios

Oral presentation Section 1

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012 5 comentarios

Your Evaluation Section 1 & 2

Let's talk about your final evaluation about the blog.

Is really a blog an useful tool in english class and what is your opinion about?

What was the most difficult,intersting and important in your edublog?

What is you opinion as future professional about an edublog?

Evaluation class:

Seccion 02

Thanks for your comments see you soon!!!

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012 6 comentarios

Presentation Cards Sections 1

This week let's follow this blog and open our own blog, share our links with our partners in sections 1 or 2.

Presentation cards to be share:

Students will write their names and write their Edublog links:
8 comentarios

Presentation Card section 2

This week let's follow this blog and open our own blog, share our links with our partners in sections 1 or 2.

Presentation cards to be share:

Students will write their names and write their Edublog links:
0 comentarios
domingo, 22 de enero de 2012 37 comentarios


Dear students I would like to know your opinion about this project Create an edublog

Do you know what is a blog?

Have you ever created a Blog?

If you have created a Blog what web platform have you used?

Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?

Would you like to create a blog with administrative topics?

Could this activity help you in your future development as profesional in administration?

Answer these questions and don't forget to write your name and occupation


your teacher.
45 comentarios

English II PNFA Section 01

Dear students I would like to know your opinion about this project Create an edublog

Do you know what is a blog?

Have you ever created a Blog?

If you have created a Blog before what web platform have you used?

Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?

Would you like to create a blog with administrative topics?

Could this activity help you in your future development as profesional in administration?

Answer these questions and don't forget to write your name and occupation.


your teacher.