domingo, 22 de enero de 2012


Dear students I would like to know your opinion about this project Create an edublog

Do you know what is a blog?

Have you ever created a Blog?

If you have created a Blog what web platform have you used?

Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?

Would you like to create a blog with administrative topics?

Could this activity help you in your future development as profesional in administration?

Answer these questions and don't forget to write your name and occupation


your teacher.

37 comentarios:


NAME:Jhonny Linares
Profession:Police Chacao

many teachers usually do not use this tool as a learning and I think very well, for the development of our training.

R1=is a note book where you can store any type of information.

R2=is not the first time.

R3=windows and gmail.

R4=no, but according to the Internet can be used to work with the blog.

R5=Of course, if.

R6=As I mention above helps us to have an efficient tool for use by our work activities giving good use for our progress in short yes.


My name: José Plazola

My Profession: is Safety Coordinator Bera House Mall

I find very interesting because I had never created one and it helps for others who want to know about these issues that they would find interesting

Question 1
R= is a notebook

Question 2
R= not the first time

Question 3
R= Platforms used are windows and gmail.

Question 4
R= has several definitions which can be a translator or just use then for news, blog and games.

Question 5
R= To created a blog with administrative issues.

Question 6
R= Clear as there are many international companies that requiere people with skills to handle the languaje and knowledge administration.

Yendi D Molina B dijo...

Molina Yendi C.I. 18.446.864

1.- Do you know what is a blog?

Yes, is a website that let public and share free information, it have many uses, because let search job, study, opine and discuss about interesting topics

2.- Have you ever created a Blog?

Yes, in the previous trimester, with the teacher of strategic planification

3.- If you have created a Blog what web platform have you used?

I have used blogger

4.- Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?

Is a good tool used to personalize blogs. I don’t know how to use it very well yet

5.- Would you like to create a blog with administrative topics?

Yes, for sharing information with my classmates

6.- Could this activity help you in your future development as profesional in administration?

Yes, it let getting more information about administrative topics used in the work environment

Marlene Rodriguez dijo...

My name: Marlene Rodriguez.
C.I. 10.868.920
Profession: comprehensive advisory.

Question 1:
Is a tool to post information and interact with another person.

Question 2:
If previous assignments but unable to finish by the time.

Question 3:
I had the opportunity to Wix platform but due to the complexity made it difficult to finish. Other platforms whose tools were webnode is easier to handle.

Question 4:
No I have never used this tool.

Question 5:
If it would be very novel and interesting in the execution of my career.

Question 6:
If it allows me to develop my understanding about my administrative career in that it is a tool that allows you to interact with others and exchanging ideas.

Administrative Topics dijo...

My name: Karini Romero
My Profession : Auxiliar Administrativo

R1: Yes, it's like a logbook ONLINE, where you can post many topics of interest and share with many people, is also an excellent learning tool. You can use it to build your own business.

R2: Not the first time

R3: Google Blogger

R4: Yes, is an application used to customize your blog, as you want to show it. with it you can put the clock, music and more.

R5: I did one, but I have to put more information. the best, is that you can find the information in spanish and english. It blog is a tool made in the english class, but my classmates and I will keep using it.

R6: I do think that it kind of activitities will help us as professionals, in my case, I can say that it is a useful tool to work

jose silva dijo...

BLUE InfoBank said ...
My name: Jose Silva, C.I. 13,754,777
My profession: Active Military with the rank of sergeant major third

It is an interesting tool never had such a page and I think I will be very helpful because these days the use of computer systems is very important
question 1
R = we used to share information

question 2
R = no

question 3
R = to create the page using Windows and Yahoo

question 4
R = can be given many uses as a translator or just to stay informed, share photos and images and some games

question 5
R = if I place you like and other things

question 6
R = yes of course, believe that the use of the tools offered by the internet system, I can be very helpful because I can share views and information with others and even co-workers and a manager must be informed of new business concepts and management

victor Mejias dijo...

Víctor Mejías C.I. 20.792.788 Section II
Administrative Assistant and Accounts Receivable Manager Substitute

Do you know what is a blog?

Yes, it’s a tool that can be use for sharing information with people; also, it can be use as a work tool for offering services or goods. A blog is a flexible tool, economic, actual, friendly and good in the academic environment

Have you ever created a Blog?

Yes, only once, in a matter called “Planification”, the name of the blog was

If you have created a Blog what web platform have you used?

I did use blogger.

Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?

A gadget is an application that can be use to get actual information easily without need another application.

Would you like to create a blog with administrative topics?

Yes, but I think that would be better to create a blog where you can put your point view about an administrative topic and then start a discussion.

Could this activity help you in your future development as professional in administration?

Yes, because with a blog you can “sell you” as a professional, many people navigate on internet, and exist many chances to find people interested in your post, like minor o medium entrepreneur. It could be the begin of a business, or a fount of contacts for your job.

Simón Vásquez dijo...

BLUE InfoBank said ...
My name: Vanessa Diaz, C.I. 19.066.901
My ocupation: Category Analyst Marketing

R1: is a website where you can create your own information and share it.

R2: the truth is the first time I think a blog is great!

R3: ...........

R4:, the gadget are emoticons that help you to own unique style to your blog, plus help you see interesting things like the weather, time, day, etc.

R:5 if the truth if I would like because the blog is an extremely important tool and fun, where creativity is the most fantastic!

R6: If you clear that if, in a blog can share information of all kinds, and interact with other people who in turn share information of interest to you, this helps us to develop our intellect more effectively throughout our future.

henrry dijo...

name: Perez Naccely
15488708 c.I
Profession: TSU TSU Tax Administration and Management. Student of PNFA

Question 1:

It is a technological tool that allows us to publish and disseminate information on a topic interesting observation, letting others know about it and talk about experiences or make suggestions. Also in this tool you can use other tools such as: The Google Map, Upload video for You I like music, highlight articles and news among others. You could say that is an integral tool.

Question 2:

If I had the opportunity to create a blog on the matter already known courses as the curriculum planning, information is reflected on what was strategic planning by highlighting key aspects of it and now to English, on topics such as banking and financial associations. It is an excellent tool.

Question 3:

With my group at that time that cursábamos planning, I had the opportunity to use the Wix platform, having difficulty to modify the same and include information, deciding to another platform whose English was webnode tools is easier to handle and gave us the opportunity to create with more fluidity.

Question 4:

No, I have never used this tool.

Question 5:

If you love me would be good for my personal learning and allow me to expand my knowledge about my career.

Question 6:

If I could because it is a technological tool that can be applied to any area including the administrative allowing to develop an exchange and interaction with people and even virtual communities and provides both a good feedback and exchange of ideas.

Johanlys Mendoza dijo...


R= A blog is a technological tool where you enter information and designing a user account and share it with the rest of society.

R= I had the opportunity to create a blog in one quarter but could not complete at the time.

R= Use wix platform, this tool is a bit complicated in comparison modifications webnode is easy to edit and dump information.

R= I love also is the race that I'm studying.

R= Yes, this tool is very interesting; you can be creative in the administrative and professional to recognize our technological skills.

Johanlys Mendoza dijo...

R= I have no knowledge of the gadget

erikavane dijo...

C.I. V-17425329
Occupation: Analyst - HR

R1 = It is a website where you can share many ideas.

R2 = is the first time.

R 3 = I have tried to use the platform webnode is easier than others as Wix.

R4 = No neck I've used, and only heard comments that it is a page where you can give unique touches to your blog as an example. The weather, time etc.

R5 = Yes, because this activity allows us to learn about new technologies and so helps us keep up with new technological innovations, as well as super fun where you can make your imagination.

R6 = Yes, of course, because creating your own blog build your knowledge, and serves as a tool for the future to implement in my work as well in my personal growth as it is fun and serves to share and interact with other.

yoneida Correa dijo...

My name:Yoneida Correa
C.I. 19.226.538
Profession: Treasury Assistant

1)Do you know what is a blog?

R= Yes, I know wath a blog is.

2)Have you ever created a Blog?

R= Yes, I do.

3)If you have created a Blog what web platform have you used?

R= A use the web platform.

4)Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?

R= A really don´t what a gabget is, a just hear about some beneficts.

5)Would you like to create a blog with administrative topics?

R= I´m already using with my study

6)Could this activity help you in your future development as profesional in administration?

R= Yes, sure! It´s am important tool to keep information in a cronologic way and is a need something a could have a change information wath my partners study.

Administrative Topics dijo...

Víctor Mejías C.I. 20.792.788 Section II
Administrative Assistant and Accounts Receivable Manager Substitute

Do you know what is a blog?

Yes, it’s a tool that can be use for sharing information with people; also, it can be use as a work tool for offering services or goods. A blog is a flexible tool, economic, actual, friendly and good in the academic environment

Have you ever created a Blog?

Yes, only once, in a matter called “Planification”, the name of the blog was

If you have created a Blog what web platform have you used?

I did use blogger.

Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?

A gadget is an application that can be use to get actual information easily without need another application.

Would you like to create a blog with administrative topics?

Yes, but I think that would be better to create a blog where you can put your point view about an administrative topic and then start a discussion.

Could this activity help you in your future development as professional in administration?

Yes, because with a blog you can “sell you” as a professional, many people navigate on internet, and exist many chances to find people interested in your post, like minor o medium entrepreneur. It could be the begin of a business, or a fount of contacts for your job.

vivian dijo...

C.I 14.970.187

1) It´s a tool used to share and public interesting topies.

2)No, but i´m learning with your english class. it´s very interesting for me.


4)I don´t know.

5) yes, I wouldlife, it´s usefull for my administrative carear.

6) yes, because you can find people interested in your knowledge, so you will be able to sell your services or products.

Victor Granado dijo...

My name: Victor Granado.
C.I. 19.671.585
Profession: Administrative Analyst.

Question 1:
It is a tool that helps me interact with others in an open and free, in can be done from a single publication to upload music or videos that can visualize the people I follow. This can be personal or business use.

Question 2:
If this is the second time I make a blog and once you design a website.

Question 3:
For blogs I used Blogger

Question 4:
Yes, they are mini applications that allow you to post information of interest on blogs and technology equipment like computers. These can be clock, calendar, task list, coversor coins, calculators, translation tools, news, games, among others.

Question 5:
Yes of course they are the topics covered in the administrative career, clear future could add any interesting information. This is a good opportunity to continue learning the use and scope that can have this tool.

Question 6:
Sure, because over time the technology is becoming more strength and in the very near future communications will be almost 100% by this type of application. In fact today without knowing a language other than Spanish you can communicate through email and the help of certain translators.

YTAPIA dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
YTAPIA dijo...

My name is Yolidis Tapia
Occupation: Accounting Analyst

Do you know what is a blog?

Yes, a blog is a website that allows you to collect information on interesting topics. Turn becomes a tool where anyone can express their comments constructively to the provision of other users.

Have you ever created a Blog?

No really, but mediating with instructions to the teacher learn.

Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?


Would you like to create a blog with administrative topics?

Sure, it would be of great interest blog for the development of my activities both personally and professionally.

Could this activity help you in your future development as profesional in administration?

Yes, because it is a technological tool to keep in touch with the day to day.

Suqui dijo...

My Name: Maribel Suqui
My Occupation is: Administrative Assistent

Questions 1
R:Yes, I know what is a blog

Questions 2
R:No, I never created a blog

Questions 3
R:If I for the first time I created a blog and I used the web platform of webnode,blogspot and bligoo before created mu blog

Questions 4
R:Yes, I know what is gadget and are used to encaurage the blog

Questions 5
R:Yes, I created my blog with the aim that aware administrative topics as banking and mercantile societies

Questions 6
R:Yes, this activity is a essential tool in the technological world advancing with the day to day and not only important to our professional development in the administration but also for personal growth

gerlinzonth dijo...

My name: García Gerlinzonth
My Occupation: Merchandising

Question 1
Yes, with a blog you can search and sabe information, also, other people will be able to use it and share.

Question 2

Question 3
Yes, I did use google/

Question 4
Yes, It`s an aplication that lets personalice my blog, for example calendars,…

Question 5
Yes, would be fine and it could used for my career.

Question 6
Yes, it colud help me im my development as a profesional, because it`s a tool used for share information.

dubay bravo dijo...

my name is:dubay bravo
profession: teleoperator

1-is a tool that givesus the learning.

2- yes but notwell.


4-is good tool to customize the blog.

5- clearty if l can serve in future asa perfect tool o investigate.

6- clear and thanks to this tool l can investigate all the information you need,so it ariging go through all that this grives me.

Berenice Coronado dijo...

My name: Coronado Berenice
My occupation: Import Analyst

Question 1
Yes, a blog is a website that let us to collect information or interesting topics.

Question 2
It´s my first time I think it´s interesting and innovative.

Question 3
Google Blogger.

Question 4
Yes, a gadget is an applications tha let you to post information about interest as clock, calendar, calculators, the weather, time etc.

Question 5
Yes, would be very interesting.

Question 6
Of course it is an excellent apportunity to continue learning about use and scope of this technological tool.I can also expand and share knowledge with several people.

Administracion CUC_SECCION 01 dijo...

NAME: Elvis Garcia
OCCUPATION:Systems Analyst

Question 1:
R= It is a website that collects information neatly texts or articles from one or more authors, the most recent appearing first.

Question 2:
R= No, is the first time I do

Question 3:
Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and gmail.

Question 4:
R= These devices have been created for a purpose and a function. They are very practical and almost always have something new in terms of a ingenious to current technologies

Question 5:
R= Yes, for the entire community, visit the blog to learn about different types and administration management issues

Question 6:
R= Yes, through this initiative, learn the basics for creating and editing a blog, and, in turn, publishes topics related to my career and make known to the community

Rosalinda Flores dijo...

Rosalinda Flores C.I. 19195292 Sec. 02
Budget Analist

1) Yes I do. I thing it's an interesting tool

2) Yes, I have created the blog that was assigment by you.

3) I used

4) Yes I do. It's a design mechanism than let innovate the blog.

5) Yes, I would like but I preffer create a personal blog.

6) Of course, It's a very accesible tool and dinamic. It will let to have, transmit and share my knowledge like professional in administration.

FMC 2014 dijo...

Odoardo Blanco 10.381.419 Sección 02
Analyst Accreditation


1- yes I do, It's a very useful instrument to the people trouhgt which can do many things.

2- Yes I have created a blog twice. Personal blog and for the CUC.

3- I used google.

4- Yes I do. It's very practical and has several functions, is widely used on blogs.

5- Yes, it would be very interesting to create one, also can help in many aspects.

6- Is a good tool to deepen the knowledge and improve the personal profile in terms of the administrative.

So long!!

Creaciones Y.T dijo...

My name is Yoleida Tovar C.I 13.310.464

1.- yes, it is an Internet tool that allows us to present information in an easy way.

2.-Yes in English and another subject of the race.

3.- and blogger.

4.- Investigate but did not know ....

Are miniature objects made ​​to provide fresh and dynamic content that can be placed on any page on the web.

5.- Yes I would like to create a personal blog to publicize my knowledge and professional aspects.

6.- My parser will if it is a way to transmit information and publicize our strengths to professional, serious, a way to make promotion of our professional knowledge.

Collection department manager
February 14

Planificacion CUC Seccion 2 dijo...

My name is Coromoto Mendoza C.I 20.870.495

1 if it is a web site that allows us to share information, opinion and common matters of interest.
2. If I had the opportunity to create one the quarter spent for planning.
3. I have used Blogger's platform
4. It is an instrument to personalize
5. If serious entertained and of great help for the group of followers of the cuc.
6. If because from a form or other one to generated great curiosity in my person for experimenting and up to where to come with the above mentioned tool

Luis Requena Toro dijo...

My name: Luis Francisco Requena CI: 18.830.518
My Profession: assists in administration and finances
1. If a blog is a regularly updated website that collects chronological texts or articles from one or more authors, the most recent appearing first, where the author retains always free to leave creating relevant published.
2. The truth is not my first time.
3. I used Google Blogger
4. If a gadget are miniature objects made to provide fresh and dynamic content that can be placed on any web page, with it you can customize a blog.
5. If I like, even as I have.
6. If it is a very useful tool because nowadays the use of technology and the media opens the door to the world. People can upload their work in a fast and easy through a blog and sample clients.

Michael Prado dijo...

My name is Michael Prado
CI: 18.675.053
Occupation: Promotion Specialist
Nestle Venezuela S.A.

Dear students I would like to know your opinion about this project Create an edublog

R: It is a productivity tool where we can leverage all the benefits and forward information on any subject related and promote the exchange of ideas between groups.

1.Do you know what is a blog?

R: A Blog is a website where we can collect texts, articles from one or more authors, information sharing and dialogue on topics like or interest. The use or theme of each blog is unique, there are personal, journalism, business or corporate, technological, educational, and others. A Blog can add gadgets and make the tool more interactive.

2.Have you ever created a Blog?

R: Yes, I have had the opportunity to create a blog of personal use.

3.If you have created a Blog what web platform have you used?

R: I used the web platform BlogSpot
4. Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?

R: Gadgets are miniature objects, practical and dynamic content to any website. Gadgets tend to be more ingenious than current technology and can be useful when you're at work (to do list, currency converter, calendar), school (calculator, wikipedia, translation tool), or just hanging out (news, blogs, games).

5.Would you like to create a blog with administrative topics?

R: Yes, I would like to create a blog with Administrative issues because I would store important information that can be useful for people who can visit the Blog.

6.Could this activity help you in your future development as profesional in administration?

R: Of course because it is a very useful tool for personal and professional development of each employee. It is a tool that can be accessed by people worldwide, allows dialogue and feedback on particular topics.


Your Student.

nerida dijo...

My name: Nerida Sarmiento
C.I. 18.133.431
University student

Response 1
If, I know another class of Blog. And on this one I could know that it is an instrument created by the web, to place and to gather different information, for example sew modal to labor experiences, tasks.

Response 2
Of I Create It still(yet) not, but be employed together to my companions at the creation of that you I give the orders to realize for the matter

Response 4

Response 5
If, me encataria since I would be served help and support for my life as student and at the personal level.

Response 6
If clear, since this way is a technology and it(he,she) will allow us to advance every day.

fran dijo...

My name is Francisco Martinez C.I. 13.339.696, I`m Administrator Technical.

Do you know what is a blog?
- Is a Web log regularly updated that collects chronological texts or articles

Have you ever created a Blog?
- Yes, in other class: strategic planning

If you have created a Blog what web platform have you used?
-This one

Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?
-Gadgets are miniature objects made to provide fresh and dynamic content that can be placed on any web page.

Could this activity help you in your future development as profesional in administration?
- Yes, it's a good tool for any profession. I'm sure I will use

Ligia dijo...

Hi teacher, my name is Ligia Millan c.i. 13.884.940, I´m a administrator technical.

Then my answers to your questions...

Do you know what is a blog?

I think it's an online diary.

Have you ever created a Blog?

Yes, in Strategic Planning.

If you have created a Blog what web platform have you used?

In Blogger, this one.

Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?

A Gadget is a code that can be installed and run on any blog or website HTML-based independent by an end user without requiring compilation. We use to refer to other websites

Would you like to create a blog with administrative topics?

Yes, it would be a good topic for a blog.

Could this activity help you in your future development as profesional in administration?

Of course, is an excellent tool. Would use it without question.

Administrative Topics dijo...

My name: Miriam Flores C.I 14.788.878
My Occuppation: Secretary

Question 1:
Internet is a tool that lets you publish and exchange information with anyone who connects to the network is an information superhighway

Question 2:
For the previous quarter in the chair of planning with Professor Angel Morillo performed a blog with content matter. The links:

Question 3:
The blog was made wiht blogger

Question 4:
A few weeks ago would have said I do not know, but after having participated in the blog of matter and with the help of my classmates, the gadget is an application that allows me to customize, design and animate a blog making it more practical, ingenious and comfortable.

Question 5:
My answer is yes, a blog to exchange and provide feedback to the terms and knowledge with others, in other states, countries, continents, other borders.

Question 6:
All administrators should handle this tool as a technological era so advanced, and will continue to evolve and improve. Today there are thousands of companies working via on line, on blogs, this means very important not only for managers, but accountants, engineers, etc.., Thus obtaining a monetary income.

Cared dijo...

Do you know what is a blog?
= Yes, this tool allows you to maintain a kind of digital diary where you can share any information.

Have you ever created a Blog?
= One time, for PLanificación in the second year

If you have created a Blog what web platform have you used?
= The same we use now, Blogger

Do you know what is a gadget and How to use it?
= Is a tool that lets you create links to other sites, upload info from your computer, among other things.

Would you like to create a blog with administrative topics?
= Yes

Could this activity help you in your future development as profesional in administration?
= Yes, because that will help me get more information about this topic.

Carlos Carrizalez, Section 2, V.- 15.151.746, Clerk at UPEL

Yessy dijo...

Hello teacher!, My name is Yesenia Correa
ID#: V-19.735.059

I work at Citibank as a branch support.

Answer # 1: Yes, I know what a blog is. This is a useful tool that helps us to create new things. You can use a lot of things to make it interesting. You can use images, graphics, songs, interesting information, among others.

Answer # 2: yes, I could help my team to create our blog.

Answer # 3: I used blogger to create my blog.

Answer # 4: I know gadget as a platform to create a blog, but I don´t know how to use it.

Answer # 5: Yes, I would like! because it can help us to know about different interesting administrative topics.

Answer # 6: Of course, this tool could help me to know a lot of things about technology; and I know that it will help me in my future development as professional in administration.

Thank you very much!!!.

Best regards.


dubay bravo dijo...

my name : dubay bravo

1. which is a good learning tool that helps you share information with others and so it needs to either trade, materials, labor, education and other

2. is whether it was all because it was something new to me and is always a fear of learning something new in mind the difficulties is the fact, but the hardest was the buesqueda of information to put on the blog.

3. everything was interesting and important because with this tool I learned that through a blog you can even start a business, and to make known what you want, also allowed out of the ordinary and evolve more than what we have evolved

4. I think that if, as you never can or should continue to think of a single target, but think beyond what we want to continue so in the future and go forward in life emerging, thinking big is all that is the key because of the point of having the necessary tools if your main tool is not working as it should be

5. was very dynamic and I hope all teachers are well potential because actually learned new things that life gives us leverage and do not know, I know I still have matured but not all the time I can have this mind of how I chamo says thank you and your teachings, I realized that everything is not a game or relax, thanks for being so direct and so this great way of being that has not changed carefully Dubay bravo.

Orquidia Flores dijo...

very good!

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