domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

Your Evaluation Section 1 & 2

Let's talk about your final evaluation about the blog.

Is really a blog an useful tool in english class and what is your opinion about?

What was the most difficult,intersting and important in your edublog?

What is you opinion as future professional about an edublog?

Evaluation class:

Seccion 02

Thanks for your comments see you soon!!!

5 comentarios:

Simón Vásquez dijo...

Name: Karina Henao C.I.: 19.228.569
Occupation: Student
Section: 01 Nocturno Los Cedros

What did you learn from open your blog?

It was a great experience ... I learned that there are other tools that facilitate the integration work and learning

What was the most difficult?

the hardest part was putting the gadgets, because we took almost all day in mounting one

what was tthe most intersting and important?

for me the most interesting was to learn more and expand my knowledge about each of the issues and most importantly, learned to use this new tool will be useful to me in the future

Think as professional is this tool useful for you in the future?

of course in the future will be very useful, you have to update us and keep pace with technology

Talk about your experience in class.....

was a great experience enjoy each class. because it is a different class, is dynamic. teacher thank you for your time, dedication and each of the advice imparted to us mean that we differ not one of the bunch, the more we can educate ourselves really thank you very much

Creaciones Y.T dijo...

my name is Yoleida Tovar C.I 13.310.464
Seccion 2 noche

* Is really a blog an useful tool in english class and what is your opinion about?

think if it allows classes to be more fluid to the point that it would not be required to be present in the classroom to receive the same.

* What was the most difficult,intersting and important in your edublog?

the hardest part at first was to add gadgets but it's really easy thing is that often we are afraid of the new.

* What is you opinion as future professional about an edublog?

as a professional I think it is a very useful tool to be known as a professional or any business, can also be very educational and interactive

Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

Name: Marian Miranda C.I.: 15.331.094
Occupation: Student
Section: 01 Nocturno Los Cedros

It is really a blog a tool in class of English and what is your opinion on?

Applies not only to a class of English also comes to serve in our work and in many things we can be used as future professionals in it will be able to use as much as we can be used as a means for information within an organization. The blog is very important that help us to provide learning in just little time. In the end is an education based on technology and innovation in much knowledge. In other words can say that the blog is very important...!!!

The blog and it is a very important tool what was the hardest part, interesting and important in their edublog?

Good all was an interesting and important, how to load the content, the new entries within the same blog, choosing the fund, design our own way to follow the other partners in your blog, be part of the group, and many, many things can say that it was more difficult to put the gadget, because it was completely new and was super fun to make a blog...!!!

What do you think as professionals in the future on a edublog?

It is a tool which we will be able to use in many things to transmit information readily available in innovative ways in which we can share and eat for knowledge...!!!

Yessy dijo...

Hello Teacher!

My name is Yesenia Correa, ID# 19.735.059

I let you know my Answers below:

1. Of sure!, I think the blog is an useful tool to learn more about several interesting topics!. For me, this was a very interesting activity because I could learn how to create my own blog and I could play with the gadgets to make my own topics, pictures, among others!.

2. Well, I think the most difficult for me and my team, first, was open it!, because it was something totally NEW and also we had to play with the gadgets, it was difficult too because there are a LOT OF THESE!. The most interesting was to discover how to make our own topics, pictures and another things!. And finally, the most important was to learn more about several topics (like the bank) using this tool as technology!

3. My opinion as future professional about an edublog is that this tool can help me to create new things to work in the future, to develop new things in my job, and, if I would like to create my own company, I can use this to make some things regarding my job.


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